← We Must Adapt
This piece targets the suburb and its omnipotence in the American urban landscape. The piece depicts a dystopian city in which indistinguishable residential high-rises are only broken up by suburban, ostensibly affluent developments; in this world—much like our own—wealthy areas hold extensive power. The canvas peels away to reveal a blueprint underneath; this landscape was planned all along.
This piece investigates the phenomenon of visual hierarchy— the concept that governs the order in which one perceives the elements of a composition. The piece consists of a quote whose hierarchy has been intentionally manipulated: the order in which the words are perceived by the audience is different from the actual syntax of the quote, such that the meaning of the quote is altered.
← Hierarchy Manipulation
← In Need of Repair
In Britain, there are countless maps, letters, and coats of arms that carry extensive colonial baggage from the British Empire of old; yet, in an attempt to sanitize this colonial legacy, historic coats of arms have been “refreshed,” paintings have been taken off museum walls… This piece explores colonial sanitization by contrasting what is being presented to us—seen in the nine squares—and what is being hidden from us, through the tattered background canvas and the redacted portions of the squares.